

Rupesh Shirsat | Electric Guitar Highly influenced by Metal and classic Rock ‘N Roll Music since childhood

Highly influenced by Metal and classic Rock ‘N Roll Music since childhood Rupesh picked up his first guitar after the examination of Secondary School Certificate (SSC). Mastering the instrument to perform live was always on his to do list. Auditioning for the admission in first year of graduation through cultural stream in Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College is where he met Sanish Nair. Since then Rupesh and Sanish have been making music and performing live together also emerged as two times Gold medalist for western group singing and instrumental music from University of Mumbai. Due to financial breakdown and unavoidable circumstances he had to take a break from his music career and started working with a call center for financial support and stability soon there was a saturation point where he took an oath to not take up a job and earn through music by any means.

With developing musicianship, he was driven towards music production, recording arts and video editing which encouraged him to set up a home studio with the name “Ripplehead Studios” which goes on YouTube with the same title.

Currently associated with his Metal Band Innervation as lead guitarist composing original music. A member of “Suburban Music Project” also working with featuring artists on various projects.